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An American in Paris
7.9 stars - Rachel







cast Georges Guétary, Leslie Caron; average Rating 8,1 of 10 stars; ; Writer Alan Jay Lerner; Release Date 1951; Movie Info Jerry Mulligan is an American ex-GI who stays in post-war Paris to become a painter, and falls for the gamine charms of Lise Bouvier. However, his paintings come to the attention of Milo Roberts, a rich American heiress, who is interested in more than just art.
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Imagine asking your friend to write you a song and he came back with this. Incredible.

This is what you here when a God walks into a bar. Free an american in paris tx. Jerry Mulligan, finita la guerra, e' rimasto a Parigi per dipingere. Vive in un localino dove il letto e il tavolino rientrano nel soffitto e nella parete e va a esporre i quadri, che nessuno compra, a Montparnasse. Dopo essre stato abbordato da una ricca, attempata americana che gli compra un quadro, conosce la giovane e graziosa commessa della quale si innamora, senza sapere che la ragazza sta per sposare il suo amico Paul. Levant, un musicista-genio, che suona tutti gli strumenti dell'orchestra, completa il gruppetto. Minnelli regista e Kelly ballerino-cantante-attore-coreografo, costruiscono non solo un capolavoro del cinema, ma un'opera composita che figura benissimo nell'arte del Novecento. Determinante e' la musica di George Gershwin che compose forse la sua piu' importante sinfonia. Tutte le canzoni (cantate oltre che da Kelly anche dallo "chansonnier" Paul Gue'tary, idolo parigino) sono classici indimenticabili. Titolo Originale: An American in Paris Genere: Musicale Durata: 1h 55m Anno: 1951 Paese: USA Regia: Vincente Minnelli Cast: Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Nina Foch.

Lovely song! Gene looks so cute. Free an american in paris 2016. 2:46 critical :D. Track: Take Five. Length: 5:22 0.o. shouldn´t it be Take Five and Twenty-Two Seconds then. Shear class and fantastic recordings,where would we be without great music,no matter what turns us on. Luckily I have a very eclectic musical taste,consequently loads more to enjoy. Free an american in paris video.


Joe Morello is my all-time favorite drummer.  He melodically played a drum set (affettuoso) like no other. Recensione di Pino Farinotti      Jerry Mulligan, finita la guerra, è rimasto a Parigi per dipingere. Vive in un localino dove il letto e il tavolino rientrano nel soffitto e nella parete e va a esporre i quadri, che nessuno compra, a Montparnasse. Viene abbordato da una ricca, attempata americana che gli compra un quadro. Ma poi conosce la giovane e graziosa commessa della quale si innamora, senza sapere che la ragazza sta per sposare il suo amico Paul. Un altro personaggio è il musicista-genio (Levant), che suona tutti gli strumenti dell'orchestra. Alla fine tutto va a posto. L'amore trionfa. Sulla base di questa trama quasi banale, "alla musical", Minnelli regista e Kelly ballerino-cantante-attore-coreografo, costruiscono non solo un capolavoro del cinema, ma un'opera composita che figura benissimo nell'arte del Novecento. Naturalmente è determinante la musica di George Gershwin che compose forse la sua più importante sinfonia, fatta apposta per far brillare le prerogative del cinema. Tutte le canzoni (cantate oltre che da Kelly anche dallo "chansonnier" Paul Guétary, idolo parigino) sono classici indimenticabili. La Metro, nella realizzazione di questi film, era molto rigorosa e generosa, assumeva i più bravi consulenti da ogni parte del mondo. I balletti di Kelly sono studiati in scenografie che si richiamano ai grandi quadri impressionisti (Renoir e Monet soprattutto) e a Toulouse-Lautrec. Il numero centrale viene considerato un capolavoro anche dai grandi coreografi del balletto classico, come Béjard. Naturalmente la tendenza di Minnelli, in quasi tutti i suoi film, era una certa concessione al kitch, che nel musical quasi non andrebbe considerato "caduta", ma valore aggiunto. Il film è uno dei più premiati nella storia degli Oscar, ben sei. Va detto che il musical è l'unica forma d'arte tutta e solo americana. Molto spesso Hollywood ha attribuito Oscar a film musicali ( Gigi, My Fair Lady, Tutti insieme appassionatamente, Oliver!, West Side Story). L'anno dopo lo stesso gruppo produttivo (solo il regista Donen sostituì Minnelli) realizzò Cantando sotto la pioggia che... rimase senza Oscar pur essendo per certi versi più intelligente e con maggiore vedibilità a posteriori. Questa "tardiva" stagione del musical prodotta da Arthur Freed ( Sette spose per sette fratelli, Spettacolo di varietà, Baciami Kate! e altri) rappresenta una punta qualitativa altissima del cinema, che poteva contare ancora sulle belle ingenuità indispensabili, sostenute da una tecnica ormai perfezionata.  Sei d'accordo con Pino Farinotti? Scrivi a Pino Farinotti Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Convalida adesso il tuo inserimento. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un messaggio al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Accedi alla tua posta e fai click sul link per convalidare. Chiudi Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Grazie. Nel novembre del 1951 arrivava sugli schermi italiani Un americano a Parigi, uno dei più belli, eterni, felici film del cinema del mondo, oggi disponibile in videocassetta. Il tempo lo ha confermato. Bastano, per cominciare, i nomi in gioco: Vincente Minnelli, regista, profeta massimo del genere insieme a Stanley Donen; Gene Kelly, attore, ballerino, coreografo, cantante, il più grande uomo spettacolo mai esistito; George Gershwyn, il primo compositore americano. E poi la Metro Goldwyn Mayer, la major che per il film assunse i più qualificati esperti di arte francese, spese milioni per le ricostruzioni. E non si può non ricordare la giovanissima protagonista, Leslie Caron, ballerina classica, poi convertita al "leggero". «Un americano» ebbe l'Oscar come miglior film, al quale se ne aggiunsero altri quattro. Il musical era un genere che a Hollywood prendevano molto sul serio, si trattava infatti dell'unica forma di spettacolo «solo e tutta» americana. Ogni volta che fu possibile gli Oscar piovvero sul musical. Basta ricordare titoli come Gigi, West Side Story, My Fair Lady, Tutti insieme appassionatamente, Oliver. La storia è banale. Un pittore americano rimasto a Parigi dopo la guerra è corteggiato dalla ricca maliarda, ma lui ama la giovane commessa. Kelly e la Caron che ballano sulla sponda della Senna sono una delle più belle e perfette "grafiche" dello spettacolo del '900. Su MYmovies il Dizionario completo dei film di Laura, Luisa e Morando Morandini Artista americano a Parigi e giovane commessa francese s'innamorano. Lui però si sente in debito con la sua mecenate, mentre lei per gratitudine s'è impegnata a sposare un amico francese di lui. Musiche di Gershwin e balletti ispirati agli impressionisti francesi. Uso creativo del colore e bellissime coreografie di Gene Kelly. Un po' pomposo e inamidato. 6 Oscar tra cui quello per il miglior film e la sceneggiatura, ma non per la regia. Costò quasi 3 milioni di dollari di cui più di mezzo milione per il balletto finale. 1° film della 19enne L. Caron. UN AMERICANO A PARIGI in streaming NOLEGGIA streaming ACQUISTA download SD HD HD+ Rakuten tv €3, 99 - €7, 99 €4, 99 CHILI €2, 99 €8, 99 iTunes Google Play Disponibile su Google Play Anche su supporto fisico su IBS DVD BLU-RAY – €12, 99 RECENSIONI DALLA PARTE DEL PUBBLICO martedì 7 giugno 2016 Luigi Chierico Andando a vedere o a rivedere questo spettacolo non incontreremo un comune americano, uno dei tanti bravi attori di Hollywood, no amici, andremo a passare due ore con uno dei più bravi artisti che abbia calpestato i palcoscenici del mondo a partire da quello del magico Broadway, il tempio del musical. Gene Kelly non è un attore è un personaggio che balla, canta, interpreta, fa mimica e fa danza acrobatica, [... ] Vai alla recensione » martedì 10 febbraio 2015 il befe martedì 9 giugno 2009 atticus      Un grande classico, giustamente intramontabile. Elegante e garbato, trascinante e ricco di trovate fantastiche. Semplicemente straordinari i numeri musicali, inarrivabili per tecnica e bravura Kelly e la Caron. Un magnifico sogno ad occhi aperti! venerdì 10 giugno 2016 francesca50 Nel genere musical il film rimane eccezionale, ma soprattutto colpiscono le coreografie della parte finale, che realizzano la base onirica che ognuno di noi vorrebbe vivere quando si innamora veramente. Bravissimi tutti oltre il magico Gene Kelly e l'aerea Leslie Caron, ma anche il meno bello ma grande pianista, amico dei due amici che il destino rende generosi rivali. FOCUS lunedì 13 giugno 2016 È arrivato nella sale, restaurato, Un americano a Parigi. Parto da una mia personale gerarchia dei film, cinque titoli. Una classifica che ho elaborato anche come risposta di getto a chi me la chiedeva. Dunque discrezionale, ma certo con dei punti oggettivi di verità. Sarebbero dunque questi: La grande illusione 1936, di Renoir; Viale del tramonto 1951, di Wilder; Il posto delle fragole, 1957, di Bergman; l'italiano Ossessione 1942, Visconti. E poi Un americano a Parigi, 1951, di Minnelli. Darei volentieri le motivazioni, ma non c'è spazio. Quando mi si domanda: "ma come, metti un musical e non un Welles o un Hitchcock? " Rispondo che la prima opzione del cinema è l'evasione e Un americano a Parigi è un magnifico dispensatore di gioia di vivere. Con quel film ho un rapporto... personale. George Gershwin compose il poema sinfonico nel 1928 e la prima si tenne alla Carnagie Hall di New York il 13 dicembre di quell'anno. Nel 1951 la Metro acquisì i diritti e produsse il film. Il risultato fu il capolavoro, anzi, il modello assoluto che conosciamo. Modello significa che rappresenta, al più alto livello, l'unica forma d'arte del tutto americana, che è il musical. Il produttore Arthur Freed investì moltissimo, assunse il meglio del meglio; alla regia il principe del musical Minnelli, per la sceneggiatura Lerner, per i costumi Plunkett, per la scenografia Gibbons, e poi gli attori: Gene Kelly, Oscar Levant, Georges Guétary, fra gli altri. Inoltre fece venire dalla Francia alcuni dei migliori esperti dell'impressionismo, per applicarli a certe pitture animate di Renoir e Toulouse-Lautrec. Soprattutto fece venire da Parigi Leslie Caron. E poi, naturalmente, le musiche di Gershwin, il più grande compositore americano, capace di coniugare la musica popolare con il classico più avanzato. Voi artisti siete tutti uguali: ipersensibili riguardo a voi stessi, ma dei sentimenti altrui ve ne infischiate. Dialogo tra Milo Roberts (Nina Foch) - Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) dal film Un americano a Parigi AGGIUNGI UNA FRASE La tua frase è stata registrata. Convalida adesso l'inserimento. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un messaggio al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Accedi alla tua posta e fai click sul link per convalidare il tuo commento. Il tuo contributo è stato registrato. Grazie. TRAILER mercoledì 1 giugno 2016 Torna in sala a partire da giovedì 9 giugno in versione restaurata il celeberrimo musical Un americano a Parigi di Vincente Minnelli con Gene Kelly e Leslie Caron e le indimenticabili musiche di George Gershwin.

As a lifelong "Singin' in the Rain" fan, I was really quite disappointed by "An American in Paris" the first time I saw it. After seeing it a few more times, I certainly love the Gershwin score and the ballet at the end, but those are the main redeeming features. Aside from the fact that it's way too long (114 minutes) it has a cast of forgettable characters and a creaky plot that was sprouting white hair even by 1951's standards. It's hard to believe that this won the Best Picture Academy Award over "Streetcar Named Desire" and "The African Queen.
There isn't much to say about the plot: Struggling artist Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) is sponsored by love and leave 'em Milo Roberts (Nina Foch. However, Jerry is in love with nubile young Parisian Lise (Leslie Caron) who's engaged to Jerry's friend Henri (Georges Guetary. Then there's cranky, aging "child prodigy" Adam (Oscar Levant) who acts as the story's. actually, I don't know why he's there.
"An American in Paris" isn't terrible, per se, it's just that it plays the notes of a movie musical, but not the music. Even when you don't compare it to "Singin' in the Rain" it just feels like there's something lacking. It has plenty going for it and you desperately want to love it, but it just falls short. Plus, I really found Jerry insufferable. He's just an opportunistic lecher who takes advantage of Milo (who he obviously dislikes) and relentlessly chases the much younger Lise (who initially dislikes him. Kelly seemed to enjoy playing decidedly unpleasant characters, but here he seems to play him a bit too well. Nina Foch does her best with a thankless part. Reserved and coldly beautiful (how did Hitchcock miss this woman. she does a good job playing the icy older woman (Kelly was older by nearly a decade, but suspend your disbelief.
Now, about Leslie Caron: she's received heaps of criticism for her extremely unsophisticated debut performance. I say give the poor girl a break. Only 19 when handpicked by Gene Kelly, Caron was a ballerina for a French company and not even interested in acting (she's said she only took the part to satisfy her mother. Also, the part of Lise is so insipid and underwritten, Barbara Stanwyck or Bette Davis couldn't make it more interesting, much less a young novice. She was a splendid dancer, and Lise's introduction scenes to the song "Embraceable You" are among the film's most charming sequences. Minnelli should have fired the make-up artist for shellacking Caron's lips with shiny red lipstick and accentuating her overbite. Caron did have lovely features such as her beautiful eyes and flawless complexion, but the make-up artist doesn't highlight them at all. Caron eventually blossomed into a fine actress in later years (check her out in "Lili. Gigi" and "The L-Shaped Room" if you don't believe me.
The musical numbers really save the film from becoming too tepid. I don't care how you feel about the Jerry/Lise romance: Love is Here to Stay" is still one of the most romantic scenes ever caught on film. And that ballet at the end! Kelly at least deserved that special Oscar for conceiving and choreographing this epic number that pays tribute to French painters and it demonstrates how tirelessly creative Gene Kelly was.
For lovely musical numbers only, check out "An American in Paris. For the whole bag of tricks (songs, plots, great characters. Singin' in the Rain" can't be beat.


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An american in paris free. Free an american in paris youtube. Here in Brazil, I like to hear this amazing music. Free you tube video an american in paris. Un Americano A Parigi is a trademark of P. A. Vannucci. Copyright (c) 2010 by P. All rights reserved. Legal notice 's fonts are uploaded by our members. The license information stated by the members is usually correct but we cannot guarantee it. We give great importance to copyright and have developed some techniques to make sure that the previously mentioned issue doesn't occur, also the system automatically displays the copyright information of the font here. If you believe that this font is in violation of copyright and isn't legal, please let us know in order for the font to be removed or revised. You can also check the legal and commercial status of this font; It is the users' own legal responsibility to download and use this font.

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Free An American in paris. Listening to music full blast takes a whole new meaning with this piece. How to ruin a great piece of music - Ads in the middle. As a fellow tuba player I cry at 16:10 at the tuba solo, it's just absolutely beautiful, I hope one day I get to join a professional symphony and get to play this piece.

Maestro Gustavo Dudamel's open letter, 4 May 2017: I raise my voice My entire life has been devoted to music and art as a way of transforming societies. I raise my voice against violence. I raise my voice against any form of repression. Nothing justifies bloodshed. We must stop ignoring the just cry of the people suffocated by an intolerable crisis. Extreme confrontation and polarization cannot seize common conscience and peace, constituting borders and barriers to understanding and peaceful and democratic coexistence. Historically the Venezuelans have been a fighting people but never a violent one. For democracy to be healthy there must be true respect and understanding. Democracy cannot be built to fit the needs of a particular government or otherwise it would cease to be a democracy. The democratic exercise involves listening to the voice of the majority as the ultimate bulwark of social truth. No ideology can go beyond the common good. Politics must be exercised from conscience and in the utmost respect of the Constitution, adapting itself to a young society that, like the Venezuelan, has the right to reinvent itself through the healthy and unobjectionable democratic checks and balances. Venezuelans are desperate for their inalienable right to well-being and the satisfaction of their basic needs. The only weapons that can be given to people are the necessary tools to forge their future: books, brushes, musical instruments; in short, those that embody the highest values of the human spirit: good, truth and beauty. I urgently call on the President of the Republic and the national government to rectify and listen to the voice of the Venezuelan people. Times cannot be defined by the blood of our people. We owe our youth a hopeful world, a country where we can walk freely in dissent, in respect, in tolerance, in dialogue and in which dreams have room to build the Venezuela we all yearn for. It is time to listen to the people: Enough is enough. –Gustavo Dudamel In Spanish: Levanto mi voz Mi vida entera la he dedicado a la música y al arte como forma de transformar las sociedades. Levanto mi voz en contra de la violencia y la represión. Nada puede justificar el derramamiento de sangre. Ya basta de desatender el justo clamor de un pueblo sofocado por una intolerable crisis. Históricamente el pueblo venezolano ha sido un pueblo luchador pero jamás violento. Para que la democracia sea sana debe haber respeto y entendimiento verdadero. La democracia no puede estar construida a la medida de un gobierno particular porque dejaría de ser democracia. El ejercicio democrático implica escuchar la voz de la mayoría, como baluarte último de la verdad social. Ninguna ideología puede ir más allá del bien común. La política se debe hacer desde la consciencia y en el más absoluto respeto a la constitucionalidad, adaptándose a una sociedad joven que, como la venezolana, tiene el derecho a reinventarse y rehacerse en el sano e inobjetable contrapeso democrático. Los venezolanos están desesperados por su derecho inalienable al bienestar y a la satisfacción de sus más básicas necesidades. Las únicas armas que se le puede entregar a un pueblo son las herramientas para forjar su porvenir: instrumentos musicales, pinceles, libros; en fin, los más altos valores del espíritu humano: el bien, la verdad y la belleza. Hago un llamado urgente al Presidente de la República y al gobierno nacional a que se rectifique y escuche la voz del pueblo venezolano. Los tiempos no pueden estar marcados por la sangre de nuestra gente. Debemos a nuestros jóvenes un mundo esperanzador, un país en el que se pueda caminar libremente en el disentimiento, en el respeto, en la tolerancia, en el diálogo y en el que los sueños tengan cabida para construir la Venezuela que todos anhelamos. Es el momento de escuchar a la gente: Ya basta. –Gustavo Dudamel Link: More.

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If I were Gene Kelly, I would ALSO just be wearing my tap shoes walking down the street. Just in case this were about to happen. Took years to find this masterpiece (because I don't know the title) and now my lifetime wish has been achieved. I love this. This is so Cool.

An art house maven's dream. Overrated, overpraised, overdone; a pretentious melange that not only did not deserve Best Picture of 1951 on its own merits, it was dwarfed by the competition from the start. Place in the Sun, Detective Story, Streetcar Named Desire, Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man; you name it, if it came out in '51, it's better than this arthouse crapola. The closing ballet is claptrap for the intellectual crowd, out of place and in the wrong movie. Few actors in their time were less capable (at acting) or less charismatic than Kelly and Caron. My #12 Worst of '51 (I saw 201 movies) and among the 5 worst Best Picture Oscar winners.

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Sweet jesus, i had nearly forgotten about playing this in high school orchestra. i nearly forgot the BURNING HATRED i have for this song.


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If you have any matches you’d like me to include simply comment on this and I will gladly include the matches. Most WWE & NJPW matches on this list are full links from either WWE Network, NJPW World, YouTube or DailyMotion. Other promotions such as TNA, Lucha Underground, AEW, ROH, PWG, Evolve, etc. were a bit harder to obtain full videos – so some may be lower quality, some may be highlight packages & some links may send you to websites you’ve never heard of. I understand there are going to be omissions and matches forgotten – this is not intentional it is just hard to get EVERY good match this decade. I wanted to include a little blurb for most of these matches but Reddit only allows you to use so many characters in the posts. So without any further ado, here is the list – I hope you all enjoy. 2010: AJ Styles Vs Kurt Angle – Impact 04/01/2010 – 4* The Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels – Wrestlemania 26 – 4 ¾* Tyler Black Vs Austin Aries Vs Roderick Strong - ROH: The Big Bang! – 4 ½* John Cena Vs Batista – Extreme Rules 2010 - 4 ¼* Davey Richards Vs Tyler Black – ROH Death Before Dishonor 8 – 4 ¾* The Motor City Machine Guns Vs Beer Money - Impact 09/08/2010 - 4 ½* Chris Jericho Vs Evan Bourne – Fatal 4-Way 2010 – 4* Daniel Bryan Vs Dolph Ziggler – Bragging Rights 2010 – 3 ½* Kurt Angle Vs Mr Anderson – TNA Lockdown 2010 – 4 ½* El Generico Vs Kevin Steen – ROH Final Battle 2010 – 4 ¼* Edge Vs Alberto Del Rio Vs Kane Vs Rey Mysterio – TLC 2010 – 4 ¼* - This match had four of WWE’s best Smackdown talent in one match, which also included new superstar Alberto Del Rio in the main event. It is significant because not only is it Kane’s last defence is his stellar run in 2010, but because it is Edge’s last World Heavyweight Championship win. (No I don’t include that Smackdown where he was stripped of it at the start and gained it at the end of the show. ) 2011: Jeff Jarrett Vs Kurt Angle - TNA Against All Odds 2011 - 4 ¼* The Undertaker Vs Triple H – Wrestlemania 27 – 4 ½* Alberto Del Rio Vs Christian – Extreme Rules 2011 – 4 ¼* Apollo 55 Vs No Remorse Corps - NJPW Wrestling Dontaku 2011 – 4* [Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team Vs The All-Night Express Vs The Briscoes Vs The Kings Of Wrestling – ROH Best in the World 2011] – 4 ¼* Davey Richards Vs Eddie Edwards – ROH Best in the World 2011 – 4 ¾* CM Punk Vs John Cena – Money in the Bank 2011 – 5* Triple H Vs CM Punk – Night of Champions 2011 – 3 ½* Eddie Edwards Vs Roderick Strong – ROH Death Before Dishonor 9 – 4 ¼* Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Tetsuya Naito – NJPW Destruction 2011 – 4 ½* Alberto Del Rio Vs CM Punk Vs The Miz – TLC 2011 – 4 ¼* 2012: Kazuchika Okada Vs Tetsuya Naito – NJPW 40th Anniversary Show – 4 ¾* Davey Richards Vs Michael Elgin – ROH Showdown in the Sun – 5* The Undertaker Vs Triple H – Wrestlemania 28 – 4 ¾* The Rock Vs John Cena – Wrestlemania 28 – 3 ¾* Daniel Bryan Vs Sheamus – Extreme Rules 2012 – 4* John Cena Vs Brock Lesnar – Extreme Rules 2012 – 4 ½* - Brock Lesnars first back match in 8 years, it’s bloody and absolutely brutal. Plenty of people complain about the ending being another ‘LOLCENAWINS’ but in terms of reasoning for why they did it I completely understand it. Plus Lesnar would get redemption just two years later. CM Punk Vs Daniel Bryan – Over the Limit 2012 – 4 ½* Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Kazuchika Okada – NJPW Dominion 2012 – 4 ¾* CM Punk Vs John Cena – Raw 1000 – 4* Austin Aries Vs Bobby Roode – TNA Destination X 2012 – 4 ½* CM Punk Vs John Cena – Night of Champions 2012 – 4 ½* El Generico vs Kevin Steen – ROH Final Battle 2012 – 4* The Shield Vs Team Hell No & Ryback – TLC 2012 – 4 ½* 2013: CM Punk Vs The Rock – Royal Rumble 2013 – 3 ¾* Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Kazuchika Okada – NJPW Invasion Attack 2013 – 5* CM Punk Vs John Cena – Raw 25/02/2013 – 4 ½* The Undertaker Vs CM Punk – Wrestlemania 29 – 4 ½* reDRagon Vs The American Wolves - ROH Supercard of Honor 7 - 4 ½* CM Punk Vs Chris Jericho – Payback 2013 – 4 ½* Brock Lesnar Vs CM Punk – Summerslam 2013 – 4 ½* - This match was branded as ‘The Beast Vs. The Best’, two Paul Heyman guys facing each other in the co-main event of one of the greatest ppvs in the modern era. A lot of people state that this was the last match that Punk ever really cared about, because after this match he has a pretty forgettable run until he leaves the company. Daniel Bryan Vs John Cena – Summerslam 2013 – 4 ½* Katsuyori Shibata Vs Tomohiro Ishii – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 4 – 5* Antonio Cesaro Vs Sami Zayn – NXT 21/08/2013 – 3 ½* The Shield Vs The Rhodes Brothers – Battleground 2013 – 3 ¾* 2014: Bray Wyatt Vs Daniel Bryan – Royal Rumble 2014 – 4* Tetsuya Naito Vs Tomohiro Ishii – NJPW New Beginning in Osaka – 4 ¾* Kazuchika Okada Vs Kota Ibushi – NJPW 42nd Anniversary Show – 4 ¾* - I love every time these two step in a ring with each other, I think they have incredible chemistry with each other – highly recommend this match. Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Katsuyori Shibata – NJPW Destruction in Kobe – 5* The Shield Vs The Wyatt Family – Elimination Chamber 2014 – 4 ¼* Cesaro Vs Sami Zayn – NXT Arrival – 4 ¼* The Shield Vs The Wyatt Family – Raw 03/03/2014 – 4 ½* Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H – Wrestlemania 30 – 4 ¼* Daniel Bryan Vs Batista Vs Randy Orton – Wrestlemania 30 – 4 ½* Hornswoggle Vs El Torito – Extreme Rules Kick Off 2014 reDRagon Vs The Young Bucks – ROH/NJPW War of the Worlds 2014 – 4 ¼* Evolution Vs The Shield – Payback 2014 – 4 ½* The World's Cutest Tag Team Vs The Young Bucks – PWG Eleven AJ Styles Vs Kazuchika Okada – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 1 – 4 ½* Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena – Summerslam 2014 – 4 ¼* - As King (or JBL, honestly I forgot) would say on the next night on Raw – this match ‘is the most one-sided World Championship Match in the history of WWE’. That is completely right, within the first 15 seconds Lesnar lays Cena out with an F-5. Then for the next 20 minutes Lesnar would beat the living hell out of Cena including giving him 16 German Suplexes in the process. This totally redeemed his fight at Extreme Rules against Cena. AJ Styles Vs Hiroshi Tanahashi – NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2014 – 4 ½* Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn – NXT Takeover: R-Evolution – 4 ¾* 2015: Kota Ibushi Vs Shinsuke Nakamura – NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9 – 5* - And here we have it – the first ever NJPW Show I ever watched and it was purely because of all of the talk about this match. This was the match that made me a fan of New Japan Pro Wrestling, a fan of Ibushi and importantly a big fan of Shinsuke Nakamura. His persona, his flamboyant character it was appealing and he is honestly one of the great attractions to watch when it comes to professional wrestling. Upon rewatching this match it’s crazy to see that Nakamura wasn’t takin Ibushi serious for a lot of it; so Ibushi starts stepping up his game and becoming more furious with Nakamura; making his strikes more rougher. These two seem to try upstage each other throughout the match to see who the better competitor is. As said at the start of this was the match that really got me into NJPW so this will always hold a special place with me and I regard it as one of the best NJPW matches of all time. Kurt Angle Vs Lashley – Impact 31/01/2015 – 4 ¼* Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena Vs Seth Rollins – Royal Rumble 2015 – 4 ¾* - Arguably one of the best WWE Matches of 2015 – really showcased all three mens skills and abilities. Also, one of the best triple threat matches in history, really recommend people rewatch this match/watch this match. Fenix Vs Mil Muertes – Lucha Underground 25/01/2015 – 4 ¼* Daniel Bryan Vs Roman Reigns – Fastlane 2015 – 4 ½* Brock Lesnar Vs Roman Reigns (Vs Seth Rollins) – Wrestlemania 31 – 4 ½* AJ Styles Vs Kota Ibushi – NJPW Invasion Attack 2015 – 4 ¾* KUSHIDA Vs Kyle O’Reilly – NJPW Best of Super Juniors 22 – Night 13 – 4 ¾* John Cena Vs Kevin Owens – Elimination Chamber 2015 – 4 ½* AJ Styles Vs Kazuchika Okada – NJPW Dominion 2015 – 4 ¾* John Cena Vs Cesaro – Raw 29/06/2015 – 4 ¼* John Cena Vs Cesaro - Raw 06/07/2015 – 4 ¼* Jay Lethal Vs Roderick Strong – ROH Death Before Dishonor 2015 – 4 ¾* Seth Rollins Vs Neville – Raw 03/08/2015 – 4* AJ Styles Vs Kota Ibushi – NJPW G1 Climax 25 – Night 5 – 4 ½* Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Shinsuke Nakamura – NJPW G1 Climax 25 – Night 19 – 5* - The final match in the long Tanahashi/Nakamura saga all commentates at the G1 Climax finals. These two men take elements from all their previous matches and put on an absolutely clinic – there’s a reason it’s regarded as one of the best G1 Climaxes (and generally the best G1 Climax final) of all time and it’s because all the men involved put in 100% effort and deliver with the hearts & souls on the line. Please take 30 minutes out of your day when you get the chance and watch this match – you owe it to yourself as a professional wrestling fan. Bayley Vs Sasha Banks – NXT Takeover: Brooklyn – 4 ½* Seth Rollins Vs John Cena – Summerslam 2015 – 4 ½* La Sombra Vs Atlantis – CMLL 82nd Anniversary – 4 ¾* Brock Lesnar Vs The Undertaker – Hell in a Cell 2015 – 4 ¼* Jay Lethal Vs AJ Styles – Final Battle 2015 – 4 ¼* 2016: AJ Styles Vs Shinsuke Nakamura – NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 – 4 ¾* Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Kazuchika Okada – NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 – 5* Marty Scroll Vs Will Ospreay – RevPro High Stakes – 4 ¾* BUSHI Vs KUSHIDA – NJPW New Beginning in Niigata – 4 ¼* Sami Zayn Vs Shinsuke Nakamura – NXT Takeover: Dallas – 4 ½* - Arguably one of the best NXT matches of all time, and frankly I know it’s a lot of people on this subs commented that this was their 2016 match of the year. The chemistry between these two on this night was fantastic, especially since it was Nakamuras debut match in NXT and Zayn’s final match in NXT – a true passing of the torch. Dave Meltzer may have rated this match a 4 ½ but to me this match is a perfect 5 stars. It was revealed later on that both men had never spoken a word to each other before their match and that the match was totally called on the fly showing how great both mens talents are. Ricochet Vs Will Ospreay – Evolve 59 – 4 ½* Cesaro Vs Kevin Owens Vs The Miz Vs Sami Zayn – Extreme Rules 2016 – 4 ½* Roman Reigns Vs AJ Styles – Extreme Rules 2016 – 4 ½* Kenny Omega Vs Michael Elgin – NJPW Dominion – 4 ¾* Sami Zayn Vs Kevin Owens – Battleground 2016 – 4 ½* Dean Ambrose Vs Roman Reigns Vs Seth Rollins – Battleground 2016 - AJ Styles Vs John Cena – Summerslam 2016 – 4 ½* Kota Ibushi Vs Cedric Alexander – Cruiserweight Classic – 4 ½* Adam Cole & The Young Bucks Vs Matt Sydal, Ricochet & Will Ospreay – PWG Battle of Los Angels 2016 – 5* - Six great and talented wrestlers got to compete in tag-team action on the second night of BOLA – and with Big Bad Dave Meltzer sitting ringside he awarded this match a 5 star classic, thus making it the first PWG match with a 5 star rating. Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin Vs SCU Vs Young Bucks – ROH All Star Extravaganza 8 – 4 ¾* Dolph Ziggler Vs The Miz – No Mercy 2016 – 4 ½* The Revival Vs DIY – NXT Takeover: Toronto – 4 ½* - If 2014 was the year of Independent Wrestling in WWE, and 2015 was the year of Women’s Wrestling in WWE then 2016 was the year of Tag Team wrestling in WWE. This was a rematch of their NXT: Brooklyn II match, and they surpassed the expectations of that match. This match is a strong contender for match of the year – and maybe even the best NXT Tag Team match of this decade. Team Smackdown (AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton & Shane McMahon) Vs Team Raw (Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) – Survivor Series 2016 – 4 ½* Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg – Survivor Series 2016 2017: Kazuchika Okada Vs Kenny Omega – NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 11 – 6* AJ Styles Vs John Cena – Royal Rumble 2017 – 4 ¾* - For many people on this sub this was their best WWE match for 2017 – and rightfully so. These two blew the roof off the Alamodome, and put on the match of the night. They exceeded the expectations of their previous match at Money in the Bank and Summerslam from the previous year. I’d even argue their trilogy of PPV matches are some of the greatest matches in WWE history. This match also saw Cena tying the record for most World Championships reigns along side Ric Flair. Bayley Vs Charlotte Flair – Raw 13/02/2017 – 4 ¼* - I still don’t understand why they didn’t wait for Bayley to win the Women’s Championship at Wrestlemania instead of a random Raw match. Either way, this was actually a really good match, and possibly better than all the Sasha/Charlotte matches from the previous year- I really hope people don’t forget about this match when talking about the best women matches of the year. Drew Galloway Vs Will Ospreay – WCPW Exit Wounds – 4 ¼* The Hardy Boys Vs The Young Bucks – ROH Supercard of Honor 11 – 4 ½* - The Generation of old Vs The Generation of new, a great ladder match with 2 of the best wrestling tag teams in the world. In standard Hardy Boys fashion, this would be their last night in the independants/away from WWE, as they would return to WWE the following day at Wrestlemania 33 in a Ladder match to win the WWE Tag Team Championships. Kazuchika Okada Vs Shibata – NJPW Sakura Genesis – 5* - In undoubtable fact, Okada’s IWGP World Championship reign has been one of the greatest world title reigns of all time and he put on another classic title defence against Shibata. The crowd were vocally and clearly behind Shibata to take the championship from Okada – which lead to Okada somewhat playing the heel in this match and thus leaving the crowds to give a chorus of boos to him. This was a very hard and stiff match much like both men’s usual matches – easily some of the most squeamish things I’ve ever seen in wrestling is when the head butts start flying and they are obviously not held back at all. This match just like the match with Omega, helped grow Shibata into the future star he will be.. if he ever wrestles again. Pete Dunne Vs Tyler Bate – NXT Takeover: Chicago – 4 ¾* - And here we have it everyone, probably that match that’s gonna be talked about the most as being a contender for the match of the year for WWE/NXT. Two somewhat nobodies were given a platform to compete on a big stage at NXT in Chicago; and completely stole the show. Their unique styles and characters really get you invested in this match, but the overall story of determination to be not just the best in their division but to be the WWE UK Champion and help pioneer what UK wrestling is all about. Do yourself a favour take 15 minutes out of your time to watch this match; I know my ratings for matches don’t matter to anyone but to me this match would get the perfect 5 stars. Asuka Vs Nikki Cross – NXT 23/06/2017 – 4* - It cannot be understated how fun this feud between these two have been throughout 2017. There’s a big part of me (and honestly I think most NXT fans) that wishes this was the match that should have taken place at NXT Brooklyn III. Kazuchika Okada Vs Michael Elgin – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 4 – 4 ¾* Kenny Omega vs Tetsuya Naito – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 19 – 5 ¾* - The finals of the G1 Climax came down to two of NJPW’s biggest stars in one of the best matches I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. Much like the Omega/Okada matches there is a lot of times you’ll be on the edge of your seat a majority of the time. Brock Lesnar Vs Braun Strowman Vs Roman Reigns Vs Samoa Joe – Summerslam 2017 – 4 ¾* - Four heavyweights battling it out in the main event of the biggest show of the year in an almost monster-movie bash. So much speculation going into this match was ‘Brock Lesnar going back to have a UFC fight’ or was he staying in WWE and keeping his WWE Universal Championship? All four men played there parts properly all equally showing dominance in the match when the time came. Roman Reigns Vs John Cena – No Mercy 2017 – 4 ¼* - In probably the most controversial match in regards to it’s rating – it has to be this match (or the Survivor Series Men’s Elimination match). I’m going to say I completely agree with Meltzer’s rating on this match, I liked it and thought it was extremely fun – yeah it was somewhat of a spotfest but I don’t mind; two great wrestlers going all out in a war with a loud crowd that’s fine to me. KUSHIDA Vs Will Ospreay – NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2017 – 4 ½* The New Day Vs The Uso’s – Hell in a Cell 2017 – 4* - Possibly, the feud of the year between these two teams was finally settled in the barbaric Hell in a Cell.. or as the Uso’s would call it ‘the Uso Penitentiary. ’ This honestly felt like a prison all out gang warfare match-up, I don’t usually complain with Dave’s ratings but there is no way that the Shane/Owens match should’ve been rated higher than this match. Finn Balor Vs AJ Styles – TLC 2017 – 4 ¼* - A ‘Wrestlemania worthy’ match was given to us on a B-Show PPV, between two former Bullet Club members. They put on a great match with each other; originally, this match was meant to be the blow-off match to the Balor/Wyatt feud but due to a case of ‘viral meningitis’ Wyatt was taken out of this match and Smackdown’s AJ Styles was called up as his replacement. WALTER Vs Zack Sabre Jr. – PWG All Star Weekend – Night 2 – 5* The Undisputed Era Vs Authors of Pain & Roderick Strong Vs Sanity – NXT Takeover: War Games – 4 ½* - Finally, after 17 years the WarGames match up finally returned.. and well, debuted in WWE/NXT. It had 3 great teams compete against each other and only one would prevail the dominant team in NXT. Brock Lesnar Vs AJ Styles – Survivor Series 2017 – 4 ¼* - This was a dream match I had always looked forward to, but honestly never expected it to happen. I believe this was Lesnar's best performance of the year by a mile, he looked like he absolutely destroying Styles until he started getting cocky and making errors. Styles was a great opponent for Lesnar, he's a small guy that can sell all the various suplexes Lesnar would throw at him but still be the underdog and try fight back and actually have Lesnar down for periods in this match. It was also spectacular to see Lesnar selling him being in serious pain when he was locked in the calf crusher, and then proceed to sell the injured calf after the match. 2018: Andrade Almas Vs Johnny Gargano – NXT Takeover: Philadelphia – 5* - Two of the best wrestlers in the world period were going to do battle inside the squared circle. A rematch from their NXT Takeover Brooklyn match – this match was a redemption story for Gargano trying to get back to the top after his tag team partner Tomasso Ciampa turned on him in early 2017. This match happened in January and I remember watching it live saying this is going to be match of the year, and in my opinion it still is match of the year. Lastly, I should also say that this was the first 5 star WWE match since 2011 as rated per Meltzer. Hiram Takahashi Vs Taiji Ishimori – NJPW Best of the Super Junior 25 – Night 14 - 5 ½* Marty Scroll Vs Will Ospreay – NJPW Sakura Genesis 2018 – 5* Johnny Gargano Vs Tomasso Ciampa – NXT Takeover: New Orleans – 5* - This is the match that everyone was waiting for. All the teases from years back, to the betrayal of a friend, to the return of an injury all cultivated in this match. Two long time friends doing battle in the squared-circle. Anything goes as it was unsanctioned. The match lived up to all the hype it was given and these two men absolutely deserved the main event. Charlotte Flair Vs Asuka – Wrestlemania 34 – 4* - This match could have been the main event of Wrestlemania 34. It had all the story going into the match – Asuka’s 500+ day title reign and Royal Rumble victory taking on the Queen of the Women’s division in the WWE for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship. They easily put on one of the best 1 on 1 Women’s matches in WWE history. Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey Vs Stephanie McMahon & Triple H – Wrestlemania 34 – 4 ¼* - There was a lot riding on this match – people thought that Kurt Angle was gonna be too slow, Ronda wasn’t ready for WWE, Stephanie is limited in everything she did and Triple H would be the only one direction the rhythm of the match. But guess what – they proved every doubter wrong. These 4 put on an absolute classic for mixed-gender wrestling. The transition of Rousey from a UFC competitor to a WWE Superstar has been one of best progressions in history. People even regarded this as the match of the night – go back and watch it and you can make a decision on that. A-Kid Vs Zack Sabre Jr. – Triple W Total Rumble 8 – 5* Seth Rollins Vs The Miz – Backlash 2018 – 4 ¼* Kenny Omega Vs Kazuchika Okada – Dominion 2018 – 7* The Undisputed Era Vs Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan – NXT Takeover: Chicago 2 – 4 ½* - These two teams mesh so well with each other, this was the opening match for Takeover: Chicago and it got the crowd wild and excited for the rest of the show. When I first saw this match I thought that it was going to be tag team match of the eyar – but somehow Undisputed Era went on to have multiple great tag-team matches this year which you’ll see featured on this list. Buddy Murphy Vs Mustafa Ali – 205 Live 03/07/2018 – 4 ½* Austin Aries Vs Moose – Slammiversary 16 – 4 ¼* Pentagon Jr Vs Sami Callihan – Slammiversary 16 – 4 ¼* Kenny Omega Vs Tetsuya Naito – NJPW G1 Climax 2018 – Night 2 – 5* Kenny Omega Vs Tomohiro Ishii – NJPW G1 Climax 2018 – Night 14 – 5 ½* Kota Ibushi Vs Kenny Omega – NJPW G1 Climax 2018 – Night 18 – 5 ½* Kota Ibushi Vs Hiroshi Tanahashi – NJPW G1 Climax 2018 – Night 19 – 4 ¾* Adam Cole Vs Ricochet – NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 4 – 4 ½* - The human highlight reel Ricochet would take on the North American Champion in one of the funnest matches of the annually Takeover: Brooklyn show. ‘ Buddy Murphy Vs Cedric Alexander – Super Show-Down (AUS) 2018 – 4 ¼* Becky Lynch Vs Charlotte Flair – Evolution 2018 – 4 ¾* Aleister Black Vs Johnny Gargano – NXT Takeover: War Games 2 – 4 ¾* - It seemed like Johnny Gargano was siding with the dark side in 2018 when it was revealed that he attacked Aleister Black and injuring him. These two men put on an absolute clinic and I have no problem calling this a 5 star match. Ronda Rousey Vs Charlotte Flair – Survivor Series 2018 – 4 ¼* Brock Lesnar Vs Daniel Bryan – Survivor Series 2018 – 4 ½* Daniel Bryan Vs AJ Styles – TLC 2018 – 4 ¾* 2019: Hiroshi Tanahashi Vs Kenny Omega – NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13 – 5 ¾* Grizzled Young Veterans Vs Moustache Mountain – NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool – 4 ½* - In the first month of 2019, we got the inaugural NXT UK Takeover show. It was a fun show, but this opening match stole the absolute show. Four great talents working together and an excited loud UK Crowd made for a great match. Johnny Gargano Vs Ricochet – NXT Takeover: Phoenix – 4 ¾* - In the start of 2019 it seemed like Johnny Gargano had started to turn into a dark path and re-united with his former DIY partner – Tomasso Ciampa. He would compete for the North American Champion, high-flyer Ricochet. This match is fast-paced action and told a great story. PAC Vs Will Ospreay – RevPro High Stakes 2019 – 4 ¾* Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa Vs Aleister Black, Ricochet & Velveteen Dream – Halftime Heat 2019 – 4 ½* - This year WWE brought back something that hadn’t been done in 20 years – Half-Time Heat. This show was put on at Full-Sail University during the half time of the Super Bowl. It was a fun, fast-paced match, which many people recognised as PWG-esque. The addition of Shawn Michael’s commentary makes this match even better Kenton Miyahara vs. Yuji Okabayashi – AJPW Champion Carnival – Night 16 – 4 ¾* Aleister Black & Ricochet Vs Hanson & Rowe – NXT Takeover: New York – 4 ½* - I have said it countless times on this sub but this match is a 5 star classic. If you only choose one match to watch on this list – I recommend this one. Pete Dunne Vs WALTER – NXT Takeover: New York – 4 ¾* - I didn’t want to list every match from this Takeover but I easily could’ve, it is my personal favourite Takeover of all time. These two put on an absolute war with each other, the Takeover-debuting against the 700+ day champion. Between this and the previous tag-match listed this was another 5 star match to me. Kofi Kingston Vs Daniel Bryan – Wrestlemania 35 – 4 ½* - KofiMania was all the rage coming to Mania this year. It was a 10+-year journey to compete in one of the main events of Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship for Kofi. Becky Lynch Vs Charlotte Vs Ronda Rousey – Wrestlemania 35 – 3 ½* - For the first time ever, something that was once dreamed to happen, would become real – the women superstars would compete in the main event of a Wrestlemania. It was a good match, on a very long show. Many people believed it should’ve have been just Lynch vs Rousey and the inclusion of Flair wasn’t needed. What do you think? Seth Rollins Vs AJ Styles – Money in the Bank 2019 – 4 ½* - Many people believed coming out of Wrestlemania 35 that this would be the main-event of Wrestlemania 36. However, that was not the case – we got it many months earlier. This match should’ve lead to Styles turning heel and feuding with Rollins for a while – these set of matches could have really helped Rollins 2019 run. Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked there; seriously, this was a good fast-paced match on the main roster that should get more attention. Cody Vs Dustin Rhodes – AEW Double or Nothing – 5* Adam Cole Vs Johnny Gargano – NXT Takeover: 25 – 5 ¼* - Alright, I’ll come out and say it – this match is much better than their first match. I think I prefer the straight wrestling match, the fact that there is no outside shenanigans by Undisputed Era and yes I know there are plenty of near-fall kick outs but I feel that that it was way more over-the-top at Takeover: New York. This is seriously a great match and you can see why they trusted these two to main event 3 of the Takeovers against each other this year. Sami Callihan Vs Tessa Blanchard - Slammiversary 27 Bandido Vs Will Ospreay – NJPW Best of Super Junior 26 – Night 8 – 5* Shingo Takagi Vs Will Ospreay – NJPW Best of Super Junior 26 – Night 15 – 5 ¾* Kazuchika Okada Vs Will Ospreay – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 7 – 5 ¾* Shingo Takagi Vs Tomohiro Ishii – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 16 – 5 ½* Kota Ibushi Vs Jay White – NJPW G1 Climax – Night 19 – 5 ½* Brock Lesnar Vs Seth Rollins – Summerslam 2019 – 4 ¼* - In a rematch from their Wrestlemania match earlier this year these two competitors would face each other in a legitimate long competitive wrestling match compared to a short fast match we saw at Wrestlemania. This is the match that helped the fans get back on Rollins side when it looked like they were starting to turn on him. However, they wouldn’t stay on his side for much longer. The Young Bucks Vs Lucha Bros. – AEW All Out – 5 ¼* WALTER Vs Tyler Bate – NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff – 5 ¼* Adam Cole Vs Daniel Bryan – Smackdown 01/11/2019 – 4 ¼* Nick Jackson Vs Rey Fenix – AEW Dynamite 20/11/2019 – 4 ¾* Team Raw Vs Team NXT Vs Team Smackdown – Survivor Series 2019 – 4 ¼* So there you have it all - as I said at the top of the thread I'll gladly add matches if you provide suggestions and preferably links. I hope you liked the recap on the decade and I'll look forward to seeing the what the wrestling world has for us in the 2020's.

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Apollo 13 Watch movie reviews.


I can watch this film over and over. Not only because I am so terribly interested in the exploration of space and the historical events that have taken place - but because it's a great film with excellent performances and a truth-telling style. Heck, even Lovell's wife dropping the wedding ring in the shower the day of the launch is true!
Just the fact that this film is true makes it even more enjoyable. It's hard to understand how in the hell one can make it back to Earth and survive with a fatally crippled space-craft. It's even harder to appreciate just how close they actually got to dying out there.
The performances are astounding. Ed Harris is just stupendous as Gene Krantz, and Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Garty Sinise and Bill Paxton (who seems to always get the role as the whiner. are also great.
As Hanks put it: this story is one of the greatest ever. The question is, how do you get home? That question is as old as humanity itself.
You can tell he put his heart and soul into this one. And the fact that this happened to the American space explorers is hardly noticeable. Good job.

Everybody who has ever played something on a smartphone with dying battery will relate. Apollo 13 movie watch sheet. *Says Saturn* Shows Soyuz WINDOWS SHUTTING DOWN. Apollo 13 Watch. Apollo 13 watch movie online.


This movie is currently on Netflix, reviewers only gave it 2 stars, I can't understand it, I think Apollo 13 is a wonderful movie. And think that for this movie born netflix. Apollo 13 movie watch online with english subtitles. Apollo 13 watch movie. Apollo 13 movie in hindi watch online. Apollo 13 watch movie online free. You owe me no apologies. The fact that you put your effort into doing this is at all COOL enough! It's fantastic already, my friend.

L love Bill paxton on this movie he's my baby. So this is the concept for ‘oxygen not included. Either engineering porn like Apollo13 or awesome story like Watchmen. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 1 Sunshine. I think it has the right tone you're looking for, and also engineering porn. level 2 Alas, I have seen this. It's strange but cool. level 1 The Abyss. Sort of forgotten these days but was an amazing film. Good story. Great acting. Good special effects. Great score. Watch the directors cut not theatrical. The theatrical cut edited out the entire point of the story. level 1 Well just on the subject of space racing, The Right Stuff details the lives of the pre-Apollo US Astronauts and Tom Hanks made a TV miniseries called From the Earth to the Moon, which is kind of companion series to Apollo 13, showing different aspects of all of the Apollo missions in each episode. There should be a bunch of engineering porn in both. level 2 Or terrible engineering try The Core. B grade but l fucking loved it. level 2 The old timey one? Classic level 1 good movies to watch if your sad: the big lebowski, midnight in paris, or the many adventures of winnie the pooh. take my last suggestion into consideration.... level 1 Comment deleted by user 7 years ago ( 0 children) level 2 I saw 50:50, fell asleep. Thanks for the suggestions though.

How is that part burning at the end? there is no oxygen in space. Not a hate, just saying. BTW, amazing movie.
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Don't you just love the way he says ' OOOAAAxygen.

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I was saying God I love that guy almost at the same time you were. Cool movie

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2020 / Writed by=Aaron Abrams / / A couple (Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani) experiences a defining moment in their relationship when they are unintentionally embroiled in a murder mystery. As their journey to clear their names takes them from one extreme - and hilarious - circumstance to the next, they must figure out how they, and their relationship, can survive the night / Michael Showalter. Movie the lovebirds story. Movie the lovebirds 2017. Hmm two people from true blood.

Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu The Lovebirds In The Lovebirds wird ein Paar, das kurz vor der Trennung steht, in eine bizarre Mordgeschichte verwickelt. Während sie der Lösung des Falles näher kommen, müssen sie herausfinden, wie sowohl sie als auch ihre Beziehung die Nacht überleben können. (RL) Deine Bewertung Bewerte diesen Film Schaue jetzt The Lovebirds The Lovebirds ist derzeit nirgendwo zum Anschauen verfügbar. Merke dir den Film vor, damit du erfährst, wenn The Lovebirds verfügbar wird. 1 Video & 2 Bilder zu The Lovebirds The Lovebirds - Trailer (English) HD Statistiken Das sagen die Nutzer zu The Lovebirds 11 Nutzer haben diesen Film bereits vorgemerkt Filter: Alle Freunde Kritiker Ich.

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